Living by a river in springtime is a challenge. Snowmelt, warming temperatures, and
rain contribute to the river’s swollen rise. Looking out the windows and
opening the basement door to see how many stairs are covered occupy me. While
talking on the phone to a friend, I watched a tree with a giant root ball bounding
through the turbulence and just barely pass under the bridge. I feel anxious,
worried, edgy, fearful.
So what can I practice to lessen the unease?
Breathe – deep breaths in, long breaths out. I, like the
river, have rhythms and it’s best
to focus on my own.
Accept the things I cannot change. No way can I keep the
river from doing its thing.
Appreciate the benefits – nourished soils, easier time for
the steelhead trout to jump the falls.
Go with the
flow rather than aimlessly moving
or being swept along
Stay afloat,
buoyed by positive activities and friends